Saturday, 6 February 2021



Auckland Rugby League is inviting boys and girls at Owairaka District School to attend our ARL Game Changers Afterschool Sports Programme.  Game Changers is a non-contact sports programme that incorporates a wide variety of sports and is designed to give young people the opportunities and experience outdoor activities through enjoyable games.  

The Auckland Rugby League Development Team will be delivering sessions that arestructured around fun and inclusiveness. Auckland Rugby League would like to confirm

that all children are invited, regardless of playing and sporting ability.

Who: Students at Owairaka Primary School. There will be a maximum of 30


What:  Game Changers Afterschool Sports Programme - non-contact, multi-sport


Where: On the field. If it is raining the session will be cancelled.

When: Time - 3:15pm to 4:15pm

  Date - Every Wednesday from 24 February -   31 March

Why:  To provide an enjoyable sporting experience and promote outdoor activities

and exercise for young people.

Cost: Free

If you are keen for your child / children to participate please collect a form from the office

and return it to Maria Mudgway in Room 21 asap to reserve a place for your child / children.

Tuesday, 2 February 2021



                          Welcome to our Sports Blog for 2021.

If you are looking for information about PE and Sports at Owairaka then this is the blog for you.

I will be posting about after school programmes and club sports too so if your sports club has started registering for their season please email me the poster and I will post it for you.

If you would like to volunteer at school by coaching a sports team we would appreciate your help. This term some of our Kauri students will be participating in the Eden Albert Swimming, Cricket and Touch competitions.

My email is or you can find me in Room 21.

Ngā mihi,