Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Eden Albert Swimming Event

Congratulations to our Owairaka Team of athletes who competed at the Eden Albert Schools Swimming competition on Tuesday. 

The team were Salamasina, Alan, Cole, Emacyn, Joyce, Alodia, Bruno, Digby, Ariella, Gina, Saana, Ava and Lucas C.
As always, you've made us proud! Thank you to Sam Lyons for coaching the team once again this year.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

ARU Primary Schools Rugby Coaching Course

Image result for free rugby clipart images
If you  are interested in developing your rugby coaching skills please let me know by sending me an email  or leaving your name and phone number with Rachael at the office by this Thursday 21 February at the latest.  

Course date: Thursday 28th February 6pm – 7.30pm, 
Venue:          Grammar Tec RFC, Puriri Drive, Cornwall Park, Epsom.

Mt Albert Ponsonby Football Club Registrations

Suburbs Rugby Club Registrations

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Winter Netball at Windmill Park

 Information has arrived for Winter Netball at Windmill Park courts. The season starts in June and games will be played on the following days:

    Image result for netball future ferns
  • Year 1 & 2 on Thursdays at 4pm or 4.45pm
  • Year 3 & 4 on Thursdays at 4pm, 4.55pm or 5.50pm
  • Year 5 & 6 on Wednesdays at 4pm, 4.55pm, 5.50pm or 6.45pm
Both girls and boys are welcome to play. 
All teams will be coached by parents and each team will require an umpire. Auckland Netball will provide coaching workshops on the 5 May at Windmill Park. 
There will be a meeting next Tuesday 19 March at 3.15pm in Room 21 for families who are interested in taking part.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Eden Albert Sports Competitions for Term One

Owairaka will be entering Year 5/6 teams for the following events this term:

Date of Event
Teacher In Charge
26 February
Sam Lyons (R19)
Central Rippa Rugby
12 March
Maria Mudgway (R21)
19 March
Andy Faulder (R16)
9 April
Maria Mudgway (R21)

Children who have been selected will be given a permission slip to complete and return. These are normally given out 3 weeks prior to the event so please check your child's bag if they are in the team.

Welcome to Our Sports Blog for 2019

Hi everyone!
Image result for sports for kids free clipart imagesThis blog has been set up so you receive important information regarding upcoming events, practises and reminders. 
Please note that most posts will relate to Kauri Team but occasionally there will be notices for Puriri and Rimu children.
Registration dates from local sports clubs will be posted on this blog too.
We are always looking for parents who would like to coach teams. If you are available please contact me
Nga mihi,
Maria Mudgway
PE/Sports Leader